Google Hacking In Title Index Of Whatsapp Databases

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Google Hacking In Title Index Of Whatsapp Databases Average ratng: 6,2/10 8536 reviews

Google hacking, sometimes, referred to as Google dorking, is an information gathering technique used by an attacker leveraging advanced Google searching techniques. Google hacking search queries can be used to identify security vulnerabilities in web applications, gather information for arbitrary or individual targets, discover error messages disclosing sensitive information, discover files containing credentials and other sensitive data.

The advanced search string crafted by an attacker could be searching for the vulnerable version of a web application, or a specific file-type (.pwd, .sql..) in order to further restrict the search. The search can also be restricted to pages on a specific site, or it can search for specific information across all websites, giving a list of sites that contain the information.

For instance, the following search query will list SQL files (filetype:sql) available that have been indexed by Google on websites where directory listing is enabled (intitle:'index of').

Similarly, the following search query will list publicly accessible phpMyAdmin installations.

Logical operators and symbols in Google Search

Attackers can take advantage of Google search logical operators such as AND, NOT and OR (case sensitive) as well as operators such as ~, – and *. The following table provides additional information on these operators.

Logical OperatorDescriptionExamples
AND or +Used to include keywords. All the keywords need to be found.
  • web AND application AND security
  • web +application +security
NOT or –Used to exclude keywords. All the keywords need to be found.
  • web application NOT security
  • web application security
OR or Used to include keywords where either one keyword or another is matched. All the keywords need to be found.
  • web application OR security
  • web application security
Tilde (~)Used to include synonyms and similar words.
  • web application ~security
Double quote (“)Used to include exact matches.
  • “web application security”
Period (.)Used to include single-character wildcards.
  • .eb application security
Asterisk (*)Used to include single-word wildcards.
  • web * security
Parenthesis (())Used to group queries
  • (“web security” websecurity)

Advanced search operators

The advanced Google operators assist the user in refining search results further. The syntax of advanced operators is as follows. Autocad 2014 crack xforce download.

The syntax consists of three parts, the operator, the colon (:) and the desired keyword to be searched. Spaces may be inserted by using double quotes (“).

Google search identifies the above pattern and restricts the search using the information provided. For instance, using the previously mentioned search query, intitle:'index of' filetype:sql, Google will search for the string index of in the title (this is the default title used by Apache HTTP Server for directory listings) of a website and will restrict the search to SQL files that have been indexed by Google.

The table below lists some advanced operators that can be used to find vulnerable websites. For more search operators see Google’s Advanced Search page.

Advanced OperatorDescriptionExamples
site:Limit the search query to a specific domain or web site.
filetype:Limit the search to text found in a specific file type
  • mysqldump filetype:sql
link:Search for pages that link to the requested URL
cache:Search and display a version of a web page as it was shown when Google crawled it.
intitle:Search for a string text within the title of a page.
  • intitle:”index of”
inurl:Search for a string within a URL
  • inurl:passwords.txt

Preventing Google Hacking Attacks

Google Hacking is nothing more than a reconnaissance method for attackers to discover potential vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. Therefore, testing websites and web applications for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations and then proceeding to fix them, not only removes the enumeration risk, but also prevents exploitation.

Naturally, routine manual testing of vulnerabilities that can be picked up by a Google search is lame and very time consuming. On the other hand, this is the sort of task at which a comprehensive automated web vulnerability scanner excels at.

The following is an example of a Google Hacking query that would find exposed PHPinfo files.

Scanning a website with an exposed PHPinfo file would be identified as follows in Acunetix.

Ideally such files are removed, however, if these pages are absolutely required, you should restrict access to these pages by for example, making use of HTTP Authentication.