Ct-Shield V2.0

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Ct-Shield V2.0 Average ratng: 6,3/10 5420 reviews

The Ublox NEO-6M GPS is fairly easy to use with Arduino.

There are a few options for Arduino GPS libraries. I chose TinyGPSPlus:

There is also a TinyGPS, I believe written by the same person.

You also need to include SoftwareSerial.h to use this library.

Hardware: Some of the UBLOX NEO-6M modules come with a loose 4pin header. These can be soldered in with pins going in either direction. Unfortunately, I put some on the wrong side for another project and had to unsolder them and put some new ones on the other side.

TIP: I saw a picture of someone using these types of clips (see picture) so that you don’t have to decide ahead of time.

Connect the four pins from UBLOX to an Arduino as follows:

Ublox - Arduino


TX - Digital pin (D4 in the DeviceExample)

RX - Digital pin (D3 in the DeviceExample)

Vcc - 5Vdc or 3.3Vdc

Now you can start up your Arduino environment and run the TinyGPSPlus example called DeviceExample.

In the sketch, change GPSBaud = 9600

Should work fine.

TIP: Here is one thing you need to remember, the TX pin from the UBLOX goes to the RX pin of the Arduino and vice versa.

TECHNOBABBLE: The explanation for this is not so bad. TX stands for Transmit where data is sent out. RX stands for Receive where data comes in.

So the UBLOX-TX sends data to the Arduino-RX

And the UBLOX-RX receives data from the Arduino-TX

HINT: While the standard is to label pins from the perspective of the device, this is not always the case.

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